Day 5 - Semifinals : 64th Japan Collegiate Baseball Championship
Waseda and Ryutsu Keizai advance to finals

On June 13, Ryutsu Keizai Univ. (New Tokyo) defeated Kanagawa Univ. (Kanagawa), the last year’s runners-up, at the Semifinals and aim to be the champion of this event for the first time on their first appearance in 29 years.
The second game was called in the bottom of the seventh inning with a score of Waseda (Tokyo Big6) 11 – 2 Jobu (Kankoshin), the 2013 Champion. Waseda aspires to the top for the 5th time of this championship after 3 years.
26 Regional Champions of University Baseball Teams in Japan started the 64th National Championship in the elimination tournament at Tokyo Dome and Meiji Jingu Stadium for 7 days from June 8 to 14, 2015.
Day 5: Semifinals on June 13, 2015 at Meiji Jingu Stadium:
Ryutsu Keizai Univ. 6-0 Kanagawa Univ.
Jobu Univ. 2-11 Waseda Univ. (7th inning)