WBSC U-15 Baseball World Cup branded bus unveiled, will serve Iwaki-Tokyo line

IWAKI, Japan May 14, 2016 – The Official WBSC U-15 Baseball World Cup 2016 branded highway bus was unveiled by Iwaki city officials to media at an unwrapping ceremony on Friday, 13 May.
The promotional vehicle — styled with the Official Look and Slogan, “For the Title of World Champion” — of the pinnacle U-15 international baseball tournament will begin service transporting passengers between Iwaki and Tokyo.
Children from a local Iwaki kindergarten were the first to board the WBSC U-15 Baseball World Cup 2016 bus and were taken on a ceremonial first drive.
The Official U-15 Baseball World Cup Iwaki Mascot, “Hula Tamami”, also made an appearance and greeted the media and children.
The III WBSC Baseball World Cup 2016 Iwaki will take place from 29 July to 7 August and will feature the top ranked nations in baseball, including the world’s Nos. 1-7.
Groups of the 12-nation world championship in Iwaki were recently announced.